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Free Online Resources

Check out our videos of virtual music classes as well as printable resources for different age groups.

We'd love to hear your feedback - please tell us what you liked/ what we could do better, and any songs or activities you would like to see on here.

Baby, Toddler & Pre-Schooler Sing-Along

Baby, Toddler & Pre-Schooler Sing-Along

Watch Now
School-Age Clips EY-Y2

School-Age Clips EY-Y2

Watch Now
School-Age Clips Y3+

School-Age Clips Y3+

Watch Now
Games, Instrument Demos & Activities

Games, Instrument Demos & Activities

Watch Now
Printable Resources
Heart Beat Sheets

For use with some of our videos - print out and fill in as we go along

Heart Beat Sheets With Lines

Print and fill in

3 Note Solfa Rocket

Print for use with some of the videos

5 Note Solfa Rocket

Print for use with some of the videos

6 Note Solfa Rocket

Print for use with some of the videos

Recorder Fingering Chart

Print and fill in - not all notes have been covered yet

Applied Musicianship 1 
Recorder Practice Sheet

Two songs - can you figure out what they are? 

Applied Musicianship 1 
Recorder Sheet - Bells in the Steeple

Two versions of Bells in the Steeple

Blank Staff Paper - print out for Applied Musicianship 1 lessons
Coloured Solfa Circles - print and cut out, or produce your own using coloured card
Flashcards - ta, titi, sh and two-oo (crotchet, quavers, rest and minim)
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