Vivace Music School
Frequently asked questions
Q: When can I call the Music School Office?
A: At any time convenient to yourself. It is not possible to man the phones personally all the time as the number of calls varies enormously from day to day; therefore you may find an answering machine in operation. Please do leave a message and your enquiry will be dealt with as soon as possible. Just as you may need to call us at different times of day, so we may need to return your call outside 'normal office hours'. However, please be aware that the music school phone is in the administrator's home so it would be appreciated if calls were not made on Sundays or at unsociable hours. Sometimes consultation with a teacher may be required before an answer can be given.
Q: What can I discuss with my child's teacher?
A: We are always happy for you to discuss any aspect of your children with us after the lesson. However, practical administrative matters such as changing classes, vacancies, etc. are handled by Teresa at the School Office. Messages or payments left with teachers may take a few days to filter through the system and it is easier for us if you contact the office directly.
Q: Why does the discount payment operate?
A: All those who pay on or before the first lesson of the term receive a discount of 25p per session. We administer a huge number of payments every time and late payers are costly to administer. Payment details are always available on the notice boards two sessions before the end of each half-term and also sent by email and can be downloaded from the website here.
Q: Can I have money back for sickness and holidays?
A: Unfortunately if we did this the loss of revenue would have to be shared by the remainder and would soon result in increased fees. Keeping costs low helps as many children as possible to be able to attend music classes. We felt it better to avoid refunds and continue to keep fees under control. Of course there can be exceptions, and if any parent would like to discuss the matter we would always be happy to have a chat.
Q: What happens to lost property?
A: Items left in class will be retained for a while. Please ask at the class the following week. Coats or items dropped outside the classroom would normally be left at the reception area of the venue concerned.
Q: Can I change my child's class?
A: If you have an existing or impending class move requirement please call the office immediately. As the school is full, and as class numbers are limited, we may not be able to satisfy your request immediately, but we will strive to ensure that your child is in a suitable class as soon as possible.
Q: Is there a limit on class sizes?
A: Classes are normally 14 or 16 depending on age. We do, however, reserve the right to exceed these numbers under certain circumstances. Each case is looked at on an individual basis with full consultation with the class teacher (e.g. class moves, see above). We always aim for a happy balanced class at all times.